2013年10月24日 星期四



請記住4個英文字: —RICE
R: Rest 休息
I: Ice 冰敷
—C: Compression包紮固定
E: Elevation提腿





1. 韌帶斷裂

2. 小關節錯位

3. 神經線錯亂 (反應時間)

4. 走路姿勢錯誤, 甚至引起腰痛。


Copyright © Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy Limited. All rights reserved. No portion of the video clip and information in this YouTube channel may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in  any form.

腳踝扭傷 可大可小(二)




那就是 “HARM”。

H : Hot

A : Alcohol

R : Running

M : Massage

(Reference: http://dunknowdablogspot.wordpress.com/page/60/)

Hot :急性扭傷不應該用熱的療法, 例如:敷熱雞蛋 、敷熱袋、敷熱草藥或浸熱水等。因為腳踝扭傷之後,該部位會有無菌性發炎。而發炎會產生:紅、腫、痛、熱等現像。該部位的血管會膨脹,之後慢慢(可能第二天起床)會腫脹。所以我們首要任務就是要減低紅、腫、痛、熱等現像。就好比一個發高燒的病人,要用冷的療法幫他降溫一樣。如果此時用任何熱的療法,都會使情況更壞。

(Reference: http://www.drugs.indiana.edu/drug-picture.html)

Alcohol:不應飲酒。飲酒的效果等同熱的療法,酒精會加速血液循環,使受傷部位已經膨脹的血管更膨脹。亦即是更難消腫。其實就算不是急性情況都不應飲太多酒,因為我曾經見過有些扭傷的病人,傷患已經治療好了一大半及消腫,但一個星期六晚的酒精派對後, 星期一回來見我時,又再腫回了。所以更不用說剛受傷的期間。

(Rererence: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/216438/how_to_treat_and_tell_the_difference.html)



Massage (Strongly):不應大力 按壓或擦揉受傷位置。 因為腳踝相關的軟組織及韌帶已經拉傷或斷裂,就如一個傷口一樣,大力 按壓會使傷口難以復合。比如皮外傷的傷口一樣,會用膠布封口,好讓皮膚復原。斷不會擦揉傷口,使傷口爆裂及廣大。

HARM 只是急性扭傷(大約首48小時)的禁忌,但之後進入後期,情況便會有所不同,HARM便不一定不可以做。甚至後期是需要用來加快痊瘉。

Copyright © Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy Limited. All rights reserved. No portion of the article may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in  any form.

抝柴(腳踝扭傷)可大可小 Ankle Sprain Part 1

相信一個有運動或跳舞習慣的人,一定見過或親身經歷過腳踝扭傷(Sprain ankle)。
No matter people who do sports activities and/or dance class, would probably experienced or saw someone sprain their ankle. It is one of the very common sports and dance injuries.
Reference: http://tribong-upos.xanga.com/747824693/the-price-of-a-sprained-ankle/

Even if people who do not exercise, may sprain their ankle, e.g. sprain while wearing ill fit and poor design high heels.

In the US, millions of people attend to physiotherapist after sprain ankle. Some of the cases with complete ligament torn or bone fracture, surgery is needed to fix the problem.

As a physiotherapist, I see many people especially asian who do not treat ankle sprain seriously, (immediately and properly) and ended up becoming a chronic long term problem with persistent pain and limited ankle movement, with recurrent injuries. Most of the time it affects walking gait pattern. Some of the patient will develop compensate pattern and affect knee joint and even induce low back pain. Certainly it is going to affect their sports and dance performance.  .

A lot of people will ask me, "Do we need to see medical profession for just ankle sprain?"

有些跳芭蕾舞的病人又會問我:“點知有無骨裂? 要唔要照X﹣Ray?”
Some dancers will ask, "How do I know if there is fracture? Do I need to do X-ray?"

A lot of my patient will ask, "Why is ankle sprain always recurrent? I sprained the same ankle again and again."

Also some patients will complain, "The ankle feels not as good as before, e.g. the strength, flexibility and balance was poor."
Actually there is different Level/Degree of Ankle Sprain. Medically we classified ankle sprain into different degree of severity. Today I am going to explain it into details.

1. 決定是否需要看醫生及物理治療師
2. 是否需要照X光
3. 要休息多長時間才可以再次運動或跳舞

When you know how to differentiate the degree of ankle sprain, 
you will be able to know whether you need
1. To attend to medical professional e.g. physiotherapist
2. To take X-Ray
3. How long time to rest before you can return to sports and dance activities.

Lastly, I will explain how physiotherapist can help you to recover better, quicker with good ankle joint alignment .

另外也必需提到一點, 就我個人臨床所見:跳舞,尤其跳芭蕾舞的人,踝關節扭傷時多數會比一般人嚴重。
Also as a Dance Physiotherapist, when comparing the same ankle injury mechanism, dancers usually may injured more severely.

This can be caused by the hyper mobility of the ankle joint comparing with normal people.

In the episode later, I will continue to talk about how to protect a hyper-mobile ankle of dancers. Let's start to talk about the classification in this episode first.

Types of ankle sprain:
1.向內扭傷 Inversion Ankle Sprain
2.向外扭傷 Eversion Ankle Sprain
3.高位扭傷 High Ankle Sprain (中文名是暫譯)
Reference: http://legacy.owensboro.kctcs.edu/gcaplan/anat/notes/Image577.gif
As I found in the clinic, for Dancer's ankle sprain, there is a 4th type of sprain,
4.跳芭蕾舞中足尖舞常見,先向內再向外扭傷: Sickle in and then out
4.  It happens usually when performing high demi point, dancers accidentally sickle in and then out.
Ankle Sprain when high demi pointe or en pointe, Inversion Sprain followed by Eversion Ankle Sprain when en pointe or demi pointe. It happens because of the hypermobility of the ankle joint. It sometimes involve fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone.

一般來說,向內腳踝扭傷(Inversion Ankle Sprain)是最常見的。
But the most common one if inversion ankle sprain.

The severity of the ankle sprain can be divided into 3 grade.
Reference: http://www.beantownphysio.com/pt-tip/archive/ankle-sprains.html

第一級 Grade 1             輕微疼痛、腫脹,關節仍穩定,仍可正常走路。

Slight pain and swelling, ankle is stable and walking is capable
Structure involved: Slight Ligament inflammation
第二級Grade 2          中等程度疼痛、腫脹,關節活動略受影響(有”關節錯位“及不穩定),走路有些 困難,踝關節有輕微不穩定。
Moderately painful, swelling and ankle movement is restricted (ankle alignment is changed and not stable), difficulty walking and unstable ankle joint. 
Structure involved: Ligament moderately partially torn and inflammation but still intact
Reference: http://orthopedics.ygoy.com/ankle-sprain-grades/
For Grade 2 ankle sprain, there will be hematoma in the next day in the morning, which knows like bruising, but actually it is the bleeding of the soft tissue and the blood is drain to the lower part of the ankle due to gravity. So the "bruising part" is usually not painful to touch.
第三級Grade 3    嚴重疼痛及腫脹,關節不穩定,無法走路,關節活動

Severe swelling, edema, unstable ankle joint, walking is impossible and ankle joint movement largely restricted. 
Structure involved: ligament partially or complete tear, maybe fracture of bone
Reference: http://www.drugs.com/health-guide/ankle-sprain.html
 Reference: http://www.bone-and-joint-pain.com/treating-ankle-sprains.html
For Grade 2 ankle sprain, there is massive edema and hematoma around the whole ankle.

In this case, X-ray is needed. Sometimes "Hairline" fracture cannot be seen in the X-ray taken in the injury day. If edema persists more than 1 week, another X-ray is needed to confirm if there is any fracture.

For all lower limb bone fracture, we will need at least 5 weeks complete rest 
for the bone to heal.

For all ankle sprain, we need at least 3 weeks complete rest from any exercises for the ligament to heal. 

1. 腳踝扭傷後有什麼事情在頭48小時不應該做 及 需要做以減輕傷勢;
2. 一般市民錯誤處理筋骨受傷的後遺症;
3. 如何可以幫助腳踝更快復原及;
4. 如何預防下一次腳踝扭傷的機會。
In  part 2, we will talk about:
1. What should be done in first 48-72 hours to help the ankle to heal better and what should not be done
2. What is the common myth about ankle sprain and how it affects healing
3. How to make ankle sprain better quicker
4. How to prevent ankle sprain recurrent.

Copyright © Perfect Pointe Physiotherapy Limited. All rights reserved. No portion of the article may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in  any form.